Believe in the Magic of Connection
Sangha | Vidya | Mudita | Viveka | Ahimsa
At Snowy Cedar Center for Wellness, we combine soma yoga, therapeutic exercises, hatha yoga, and Thai yoga bodywork along with other practices such as guided meditations, breathwork, sound, Ayurveda, and nature to create experiences that allow you to become fully present in your body, within your environment, and in relationship with others so that you are able to believe in the magic of connection.
Our goal is simple: to help you become firmly rooted like a cedar and to embody who you already are with more authenticity. Through yoga, you may gain greater mobility, strength, and stability. Through breathwork, you will feel the natural rhythm of the world around and within you. Through sound, you will feel the vibration of the energy that surrounds us. Through Thai yoga bodywork and Reiki, you may feel a greater sense of connection to yourself and the community.
We will practice yoga together, experience energetic connections through Thai yoga bodywork, Reiki and sound, and spend time reflecting on the lessons of nature in order to help you live your best life.
Our goal is to support your self-growth and sense of unity
by practicing our core values so that you believe in the magic.
sangha - community, connection, belonging
vidya - knowledge, learning, intuition, curiosity
mudita - joy, generosity, celebrating happiness in others
viveka - discernment, clarity, authenticity
ahimsa - kindness, compassion, equanimity
Most importantly, we believe in building a
Community of Wellness
by exploring together the social, economic, environmental, and cultural relationships
that are essential for you to flourish and fulfill your potential.
We are always looking for new opportunities and partnerships within our community
that will help everyone thrive and live their most authentic life.
When we feel connected and supported and when we believe in something beyond ourselves,
that is when the magic happens!
This is Snowy Cedar Center for Wellness.
We look forward to connecting with you!